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Support Concurrent Resolution 41: Recognize Open Water Lifeguards as First Responders

Letter to Congressional Members | Concurrent Resolution 41

United States Lifesaving Association (USLA)

The United States Lifesaving Association, the nation's only organization of open water lifeguards, advocates for the recognition of lifeguards as official First Responders or Emergency Response Providers (ERPs). Our lifeguards dedicate themselves to the safety of the public, performing critical duties at both surf and inland beaches across the country.

Why Support Concurrent Resolution 41?

Concurrent Resolution 41 aims to formally acknowledge the vital role that open water lifeguards play in emergency response at the federal level. These professionals are already acknowledged under various U.S. laws for their essential services, which include responding to, treating, assisting, and transporting victims, often at great personal risk.

In 2021, two courageous lifeguards in New Jersey lost their lives in the line of duty, underscoring the risks involved and the urgent need for formal recognition and support. Open water lifeguards are often cross-trained in emergency medical response, marine fire safety, law enforcement, and water rescue operations, making their role indispensable in emergency management.

How Can You Help?

We need your help to secure congressional support for this critical resolution. By recognizing lifeguards as ERPs, we can ensure they receive the necessary support and resources to continue their lifesaving work, including priority access to vaccinations during public health emergencies and appropriate insurance coverages.

  1. Download Our Informational Documents
    Gain a deeper understanding of our mission and the importance of Concurrent Resolution 41 through our detailed documents available below:

    1. Download Information on Concurrent Resolution 41
    2. Download the Letter to Congressional Members

  2. Contact Your Congressional Representatives
    Urge your local representatives to support this resolution. Find your representative and let them know why this recognition is crucial.

  3. Spread the Word
    Help us raise awareness by sharing this page and our recent social media posts supporting Concurrent Resolution 41 within your community. You can find and share these posts on Facebook, X, and Instagram to highlight the importance of recognizing lifeguards as first responders.

Thank you for your support in this noble cause. Together, we can help secure the recognition that our lifeguards deserve, ensuring they can continue to protect lives while receiving the rights and protections afforded to first responders.

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